Minister of Transport Anthony Loke Participates in Final Phase Test Run of MRT Putrajaya Line.
Minister of Transport Anthony Loke Participates in Final Phase Test Run of MRT Putrajaya Line.
On 28 December 2022, Johor Port Berhad (Johor Port), a member of MMC Group, organised its annual Johor Port Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Day for all employees and port users.
From 23 – 28 December 2022, Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), a member of MMC Group extends its appreciation of seafarers during Christmas with Christmas Hampers distribution to vessels calling PTP.
On 20 December 2022, Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) a member of MMC Group, successfully organized PTP M-DEX Major Disaster Exercise at PTP. In collaboration with Chief Government Security Officer, Civil Defence Malaysia, Johor State Fire and Rescue Department, Ministry of Health, Johor Port Authority and University Technology Malaysia, the objective of the exercise was to test the preparedness in dealing with high-level emergency (TIER II) situations and the operational aspects of the HAZMAT Special Forces.
On 17 December 2022, Penang Port Sdn Bhd (Penang Port), a member of MMC Group, collaborated with Mutiara Foodbank, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) established with the aim of distributing edible food from going to waste and to give a positive impact on the underprivileged people in Penang.
Northport (Malaysia) Bhd (“Northport”), a member of MMC Group has set a new record for its conventional cargo business segment after surpassing 10,000,000 Freight Weight Tonnes (“FWTs”) of cargo throughput, the highest achievement of cargo handling in a single year since the formation of Northport through the merger of Klang Container Terminal (“KCT”) and Klang Port Management (“KPM”) in 2000.
On 8 December 2022, Penang Port Sdn Bhd (Penang Port), a member of MMC Group, collaborated with the National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) Penang Chapter in organising the “Program Tempat Kerja Bebas Dadah (TEKAD)” campaign which kicked off at Butterworth Wharves Cargo Terminal. Penang Port is the first corporate entity in Penang that supports AADK’s TEKAD initiative.
On 5 December 2022, Johor Port Berhad (Johor Port), a member of MMC Group, participated in the Pasir Gudang Emergency Mutual Aid (PAGEMA) Mock Drill Programme 2022.
From 5 to 9 December 2022, Northport (Malaysia) Bhd (Northport), a member of MMC Group embarked on a programme to raise awareness about the prevention of corruption and to encourage its employees and stakeholders to actively fight against corruption by organising Integrity Week 2022. The programme was part of the Company’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABAC) initiatives, held in conjunction with the International Anti-Corruption Day 2022. 9th December is designated as the International Anti-Corruption Day that is celebrated all over the world annually.
On 2 December 2022, Northport (Malaysia) Bhd (Northport), a member of MMC Group, organised a Northport Safety Day 2022 for its employees and port users. With the theme “Demi Keluarga Anda, Utamakan Keselamatan” (For Your Family’s Sake, Safety First), the programme aimed at emphasing the importance of prioritising safe and healthy working practices among employees for the sake of their loved ones.